Chapman’s Class

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MCS G230 Links

Chapman – Digital Classroom Behavior Syllabus 

Some of our expectations on the digital community. 


Important: Trade Unions have apprenticeship programs that pay you hourly while you learn hands-on! No need to pay for trade school.

You need to decide what you want to do as a career/job. That way we can help you plan what you need to focus on. How are you going to get that career/job?

Before we go further, I want to introduce you to ROI Return on Investment. I say this because if you are going to pay for college/university, then you need to know if the degree you are paying to learn is going to be able to pay back what you invested to get that degree! It is a bad investment if you pay fifty thousand dollars to get a degree that will only pay you sixty thousand a year. You must do your research before you invest the money. It is your responsibility to research your investment.

“TRADE TALKS” podcast link.

Trade Talks

Schoology without going through the district servers

Microsoft Teams download

Navy contact— For those who would like to go into the military.

Army contact-

Marines contact-

Airforce contact

Coast Guard contact

IBEW link  Local 684. Central Valley Joint Apprenticeship Center

5 things you need for the Electrical Apprenticeship program:

(the application for the apprenticeship is the first Thursday of the month at the training center at 1925 Yosemite Blvd Modesto, Ca. 209-579-5417)

1. Must have a copy of High School diploma.

2 Must have a copy of picture ID: CA Driver’s License.

3. DMV report with a clean record.

4. Get your official transcripts from the school they must be sealed in an envelope.

​5. You must have a color vision exam and must have the results with you.

You will need to do an aptitude test and then you have to score a 5 or better on a scale from 1-9. basic algebra

You must be 18. If you are not then you will have to join the Construction Worker program until you turn 18.
Plumbers and Steamfitters Union Local 442
Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 104


My office hours:

Parents and students’ Teams


7:00 am to 7:45 am Mon -Fri

Afternoon by appointment:

After 4:15 pm Mon – Fri.

I work for you the parent, and I am here to help your student.

You can arrange an appointment with me for time outside of the listed hours. I will try my best to meet with you in person or by phone. You are not bothering me; you are not infringing upon my time. Do not worry that you are interfering. I want you to ask questions and be part of this process! I look forward to working with you and your student.

School-Wide Distance Learning Norms

I can make all of my posts and chats school-related.

I can follow all of the school rules.

I can be on time, prepared, and engage in learning. 

I can turn off my camera before entering class unless otherwise instructed.

I can make sure that my parents know I am in a video lesson when my camera is on.

I can be dressed appropriately.

I can respect everyone’s privacy.

I can work in a quiet, well-lit place.

 I can keep my microphone on mute unless I am speaking.

I can introduce myself when I

 begin speaking “This is… “

“I never expect more of you than I do of myself. But I gotta tell ya, I expect a lot of myself.” Joe Gregori

School district calendar

MCS Resources

MCS Applications

My remind101 text 81010@47a6dh

“Read 500 pages…every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.” — Warren Buffett


Remember that you can start over at any point. Your mistakes and past do not define who you are. You will change and alter your course several times in your life. Discover who you are and what you are passionate about in life and you will find a rewarding career.


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